Tag Archives: Long Island Meetup

SPLI at AONGaming!

How long have you been a member of SPLI? We’ve been around for 4 years now (crazy how time flies!!) and those of you who were with us from the beginning will remember we used to host events at a venue called Empire Gaming. While we loved it very much, unfortunately the venue closed down a few years ago and we’ve been searching high and low for a new home base!

Recently, a new gaming store has opened up in Deer Park called AONGaming, and here at SPLI we are pretty psyched about it! Not only does this venue specialize in Smash Bros tournaments (pretty much all gens, by the way!), but they are welcoming SPLI to host events at their store! (RSVP to our event here!)


We’re going to take them up on this generous offer starting Saturday, October 1st! Join us starting at 4pm and bring your 3DS, because we’re hosting a casual Multi-player Meetup! There’s even a chill out spot for people who aren’t participating in AON’s ongoing tournaments.


So come out, make some new gamer friends while playing multi-player 3DS games, and support a local business too! Join our SPLI Facebook Group to get in on the Nintendo conversation, and learn more about the event by checking out the official SPLI at AONGaming Event Page!

What You Missed: Wii Sports Club Bowling Night!

Missed out on StreetPass Long Island’s latest event, Wii Sports Club Bowling Night? Here’s a recap! The event took place on Sunday, 7/27/14 at Herrill Lanes in New Hyde Park, NY. SPLI members were joined by our NoA rep Derek for game demos of the new “all-in-one” disc version of the popular game Wii Sports Club, which is only available for the Nintendo Wii U. We enjoyed playing the bowling game, which seemed very familiar to those of us who had Wii Sports for the original Wii system. Gotta be careful not to spin the ball by turning your wrist the wrong way!

We played the game demo while we waited for everyone to arrive, and then we picked out our bowling balls and rental shoes! Members split into groups and showed off their bowling skills (or lack thereof lol!) while making jokes and Big Lebowski references. Check out the photos below, and make sure not to miss our next event – it’s gonna be a BIG one! We’ll be posting more info soon, but we are hosting the SPLI 2nd Anniversary Party on August 17th!

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